Gravitational Potential Energy

gravitational potential energy
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Gravitational potential energy is energy an object possesses because of its position in a gravitational field. The general expression for gravitational potential energy arises from the law of gravity and is equal to the work done against gravity to bring a mass \(\:m \:\) to a given point in space. The gravitational force between the earth of mass \(\:M_e \:\) and a mass \(\:m \:\) separated by a distance \(\:r \:\) is given by

The gravitational potential energy, \(\: U\:\) is given by

U=-\int_{\infty}^{r}Fdr = -\int_{\infty}^{r}\frac{GM_em}{r^2}dr

= -GmM_e\int_{\infty}^{r}r^{-2}dr = -GmM_e\left(-\frac{1}{\infty} – \frac{1}{r} \right)

U = \frac{GmM_e}{r}
The gravitational Potential (\(\: V\:\)) is defined as the gravitational potential energy of unit mass \(\: m\:\). Hence,
V=\frac{U}{m} =\frac{\frac{GmM_e}{r}}{m}$$

Gravitational potential is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is J/kg.

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